Delhi Police arrested cyber stalker from Silvassa for sending obscene messages, videos

A 24-year-old cyberstalker was arrested in Silvassa, Daman and Diu on Thursday for sending obscene messages and videos to the complainant.

The accused has been identified as Sonu, a resident of Etah in Uttar Pradesh. (Representative image/Pixabay)

A team of Cyber ​​Police in Delhi on Thursday arrested a 24-year-old cyber stalker from Silvassa, Daman and Diu.

The accused has been identified as Sonu, a resident of Etah in Uttar Pradesh.

A few days back a complaint was filed at the Cyber ​​Police Station in Dwarka, in which the woman said that she was receiving several obscene messages, photos, audio and video calls from various WhatsApp numbers.

The police have started investigation after registering a case.

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Based on technical analysis of WhatsApp numbers, the team traced the location of the accused. They laid a trap and raided Silvassa, Daman and Diu, where the accused was arrested.

During interrogation, the accused revealed that he used to search the mobile numbers of girls on social media. Then he used to message them on WhatsApp. If a girl refused to befriend him, he used to send her obscene pictures and videos.

Similarly, he got the number of the complainant from a Facebook page. He tried to talk to her on WhatsApp but she refused. After this he started sending obscene videos and threatening messages.

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