Delhi schools to remain closed till further orders due to air pollution

The Directorate of Education on Sunday announced that schools in Delhi will remain closed till further orders due to severe air pollution levels in the capital. Meanwhile, online education will continue as before, news agency ANI reported.

The schools reopened on September 1 for classes 9 to 12 and on November 1 for the remaining classes, but have been closed since last week due to pollution. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had earlier announced closure of schools in Delhi from November 15 and allowed only virtual classes due to rising air pollution. Not only schools, offices were also asked to work in work from home mode. Apart from this, the government is also contemplating a complete lockdown if the situation worsens.

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The air quality in Delhi has worsened since Diwali. As of November 21, the Air Quality Index (AQI) has been recorded at 349, which is “very poor”, tweeted CM Kejriwal.

Not only Delhi Schools were also closed last time in some parts of Haryana weeks due to high levels of air pollution. The Haryana government had closed schools in Gurugram, Faridabad, Sonipat and Jhajjar. The Haryana government had reopened physical classes for students of classes 6 to 12 in July, for students of classes 4 and 5 on September 1, and for students of classes 1 to 3 from September 20, but due to air pollution. Announced the closure of schools for three days.

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Meanwhile, schools have reopened in most states across the country including West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, etc. UNICEF had called for immediate reopening of schools in India. “The future of an entire generation is at stake. We urge parents to join hands with school administration and government to support learning recovery programs to safely reopen schools and reach and benefit all children. Each of us has a role to play in restoring learning and improving opportunities for children in India,” UNICEF India Representative Yasumasa Kimura said.

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