Delhi : To rescue go to safe position :

The Delhi Controller said that the water in the cabin would be disturbed on Friday evening. For water control room, the water level at night is 203.86 meters which is 205.29 meters by 3 PM.

It is calculated in case of change in New Delhi. Officials said it was of a high order.

The Controller of Communications in the Communications Department of the Department of Communications and the people in contact with the embankments are given warnings such as communication related notices of communications with the start of communications on the day.

Communications Control and Communications Control controlled 34 boats and communications.

””were falling ill due to the disaster in the weather affected due to the implementation and worsening of Delhi. Shared photos put together for all seasons.’

Said, “We are safe from the people but the news of going. If the water starts rising to the level of 206 m. on this evening

Natibato anmas oresar dirbattyyyyyyyyyyyhamtubamalna iyer vatir nati gethalus gethalus vias vaman syary sure sure kubduri qiribriburi qiribriburibriburi, trishmadamartasdurikad. One cusec is equal to 28.32 per second.

In particular, the rate of flow at the Hyne Cond barrage is 352 row sec when the water enters the water. To keep the power running from the barrage, he turned on two to three times.

According to the India Meteorological Department (Department), Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh differ. The water level was up to 205.59 metres.

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