Demand for intervention in Mecca Masjid blast case

Civil society members on Wednesday demanded that the Telangana government file an intervention petition in the criminal appeal filed by the families of the Mecca Masjid blast victims and submit the report of the Justice V. Bhaskar Rao Committee.

The commission was formed after the May 18, 2007 Mecca Masjid blast, when police opened fire on the crowd, resulting in the death of five people.

“Unfortunately, the report is yet to be placed before the state legislature, due to which the kin of those killed in police firing are waiting for justice for more than a decade. The Government of Telangana may, in the interest of justice, act forthwith on the findings of the report because, by reason of non-production of the report of the Commission before the Legislature within the time limit prescribed by the relevant provision of this section, such report has not been made void and the Government shall It has not been prevented from acting, especially when not disallowed by the legislature,” reads a statement.