Depressed young adults more likely to develop heart disease: study

Young adults who feel depressed are more likely to develop heart disease and have poorer heart health, a new study has found. The study was conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, who analyzed data from more than half a million people between the ages of 18 and 49.

According to the latest research, young adults who feel sad or have poor mental health on days have higher risk factors for heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

Garima Sharma, associate professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine and senior author of the study, said that when adults are stressed, anxious or depressed, their heart rate and blood pressure can increase, PTI reported.

The authors noted that it is common that feeling depressed stems from poor lifestyle choices such as consuming alcohol, smoking, sleeping less, or not being physically active—all of which are adverse conditions that can negatively affect your heart. Does

In all, the study said researchers analyzed data from 593,616 adults who participated in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a self-reported, nationally representative survey conducted between 2017 and 2020.

The research included various questions such as whether they had ever been told they had a depressive disorder, the number of days in the past month they experienced poor mental health, whether they had experienced a heart attack, stroke or chest pain, And whether they had heart disease was a risk factor for the disease, it said.

It further said that risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, being overweight or obese, diabetes and poor physical activity and diet, reported PTI.

Yaa Adoma Kwapong, postdoctoral research fellow at Johns Hopkins Medicine and lead author of the book, said, “The relationship between depression and heart disease is two-way. Depression increases your risk of cardiovascular problems, and people with heart disease experience depression.” ” study.

Kwapong said the study shows people need to prioritize mental health among young adults and increase screening for it.

Recently, another study also stated that the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) increased by 6.2% in the US during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The number of CVD-related deaths increased from 874,613 in 2019 to 928,741 in 2020, the largest annual increase since 2015 and surpassing the previous high of 910,000 in 2003.

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