Diabetes: 6 health tips to control blood sugar this Diwali

Diwali 2022: The festival of lights has arrived and people are busy preparing delicious food and adding last moments to their Diwali decorations. Sweets and snacks are an essential part of Diwali celebrations, but the festive season can be difficult for those who have high blood sugar and other lifestyle diseases like high cholesterol and even BP. Too many fried foods and sweets can wreak havoc especially on blood sugar levels.

Dr. Swati Bhushan, Clinical Nutritionist, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, gives us 6 tips to follow this festive season:

Use whole grains like wheat, buckwheat, ragi, quinoa, bajra, bajra, jowar etc. to prepare sweets and snacks.
Lentils and pulses can also be used in making sweets and this will add protein to the diet.
Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds can be consumed in moderation to get the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients.
– Sugar to be avoided as they add empty calories and can be substituted with dates (dates), black currants, figs – these have immense nutritional benefits.
Cut it in ghee and butter.
Use limited amount of refined oil and use methods like steaming, baking or roasting instead of deep frying.

Diwali 2022: Date, Time, Muhurta for Lakshmi Puja

In the celebration of Diwali, we see people lighting diyas, lighting up, Wearing new clothes, meeting family and friends and above all, worshiping Lakshmi, the mother of wealth, prosperity, happiness and health. This time Diwali is falling on 24th October.

Date: 24 October 2022

Day: monday

Lakshmi Puja Muhurta will start from 5.39 pm

Lakshmi Puja Muhurta will end at 8.14 pm