Diabetes Diet: Stuffed Tinda recipe is a great addition to your lunch menu

Diabetes has become a global issue with time and more and more people are at risk of it. And the biggest reason for the rapidly increasing cases is simply that there is no cure. Hence it is important to maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle. If you’re battling diabetes, we know how difficult it can be to control your cravings. According to health experts, the best way to manage blood sugar levels is to include green leafy vegetables in your diet. And one such vegetable that is known for its many health benefits is tinda (Indian squash). While many find this curry extremely boring, this stuffed tinda recipe will definitely change your mind.

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Tinda is rich in vitamins A, C and K, has a high water content and is rich in fibre. In this recipe, blanched tinde is stuffed with cheese and spinach stuffing and baked to perfection. These stuffed tindas go best with any Indian bread of your choice and will be a great addition to your diabetic diet. Check out the recipe below:

Stuffed Tinda Recipe: How To Make Stuffed Tinda

First of all cut the rind and take out the seeds. Season the cavity with salt and pepper. Now melt some butter in a pan. Add flour and cook for about 30 seconds. Pour in hot, filtered milk. Stir on medium heat till it thickens.

Read also: Diabetes Diet: 5 Whole Grain Desi Flat Bread Recipes For Diabetics

Next, whisk in cheese, cumin, yolks, and spinach. weather well. Beat the whites until they are stiff. Fold in mixture and spoon into tinda cavity or into buttered ovenproof dish. Bake at 200°C for about 10-15 minutes, till well puffed. Stuffed Tinda is ready!

For the complete recipe of Bharwa Tinda, Click here.

Try this delicious recipe at home and let us know how you liked it in the comments below. Happy Cooking!

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