Diabetes is progressing to a level it has increased to an elevated sugar level

They are beneficial in diabetes.

special things

  • comrades
  • This is a sentence that is.
  • Have sugar.

healthy meal: High quality temperature (Diabetes) In this situation it is important to take care of the diet. Prefer nutritious food to eat, suitable to eat delicious. Increase the intake of high-quality nutritious foods and nutritious foods to balance high levels. Oats (oats) are enough to be hot.

this also further

Benefits of Oxidation | Benefits of eating oats in diabetes

  • Suitable for proper proper care for oatmeal or oats.
  • Oats fruit is wholegrain. The word (fiber) is more important in more quantity.
  • The resistor from holding internally is contained internally in the temperature.
  • There are 68 and 21 grams of family members in 100 grams of oats.
  • Its
  • O…
  • It is also good for planting seedlings.
  • Twin, individual weight in transmission savings of oats.

pronounce oats like this

Also for making Oats ki Roti (oat bread) to eat. ️ common

To make Oats Roti, take one Kapahu plant, one Kapha plant, one chopped coriander, 2 take the shape of a bird.
Now from the point of view of health, everyone should knead the dough born of better health. Be sure to apply. Bake the roti after 10 seasons.

Disclaimer: The content included in the blog is general information only. It is not a substitute for any type of doctor. Always consult an expert or doctor for more details. Claiming for news TV information.

To take care of baby baby, nutritious food family for Haley’s baby