Diabetes Management: 7 Herbal Teas for Every Day of the Week

Diabetes can be controlled. One needs to follow a restricted diet and do proper exercise. Making changes in day-to-day affairs can also help keep uncontrolled sugar levels under control. While there are many doctor-prescribed methods to control diabetes, some remedies are lurking in our kitchens too – at the tea counter, to be specific. We have compiled a list of herbal teas that can be consumed every day to lead a healthy lifestyle and bring the sugar levels to normal levels.

Here are 5 Teas for Diabetes Management

1. Ginseng Tea

According to Biological activities of ginseng and its application to human health Ginseng has many medicinal benefits. Ginseng has been used to boost immune function, central nervous system (CNS) function, relieve stress, and for its antioxidant activities. Ginseng tea, best consumed in fresh form, is said to be an antidote for diabetes.

2. Aloe Vera Tea

It is the elixir that comes with many health benefits. As stated in the magazine – Aloe Vera: An Ancient Herb for Modern Dentistry Aloe Vera in its raw form and when boiled contributes to good health. All you have to do is extract its juice and boil it in water and drink it every morning.


3. Sage Tea

According to a journal published in the journal, Regular consumption of sage contributes to “regulation of blood sugar, lipid profile and transaminase activity in humans.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Drinking sage tea every morning can help in reducing the increased sugar level in the blood.

4. Hibiscus Tea

Dried hibiscus flower petals are boiled in water – it contains antioxidants and helps reduce high blood pressure. paper study Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on hypertension in patients with type II diabetes stated that tea consumption has a positive effect on BP in type II diabetic patients with mild hypertension.


5. Cinnamon Tea

As much as it is a treat to taste, cinnamon brings many health benefits, especially for people suffering from diabetes. It helps to improve insulin sensitivity and cholesterol levels, as a . as stated by paper Published by the University of Maryland.


6. Lemon Balm Tea

a paper published by National Science Library said that the antioxidant activity of lemon balm helps lower blood sugar. Regular consumption of lemon balm tea helps fight inflammation in the body, which is a common side effect of diabetes.

7.Turmeric Tea

The list of health benefits of having a cup of turmeric tea regularly is very long. It prevents inflammation in the body, boosts immunity, controls diabetes and is good for heart health. paper – Curcumin and diabetes: a systematic review – said, “Curcumin (turmeric) may lower blood glucose levels, as well as reduce other complications related to diabetes.”


Try these teas and let us know what you think about it, in the comments below!


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