Dialogue the only right way to resolve Ukraine crisis: Russia’s Lavrov as China comes to talks

Hosting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the first high-level Russian official to visit Beijing after the Ukraine war, China said on Wednesday that “cooperation” between the two allies has no “limits” to oppose “hegemony”. Is.

Russia’s state-run news agency Tass reported on Wednesday that Lavrov arrived in Tunxi in eastern China’s Anhui province for the third meeting of foreign ministers on Afghanistan.

“China-Russia cooperation knows no limits, no limits for us to strive for peace, no limits for us to protect security,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a media briefing here. And there is no limit for us.” To describe the boundaries of China-Russia relations.

Commenting on the recent round of talks between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul, Turkey, Wang Wenbin noted the “positive signs” displayed by both sides.

“We have always believed that dialogue and dialogue is the only right way to resolve the Ukraine crisis,” he said.

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Asked by a reporter from Russia’s official Tass news agency whether China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, could be a guarantor for any agreement between Russia and Ukraine, Wang Wenbin said that China was not a guarantor of the crisis. Encourages all parties to seek peaceful solutions.

“We support all diplomatic efforts in this direction,” he said.

Later, Lavrov, in his meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, said that Russia is interested in building relations with China in a stable and consistent manner.

“We are interested in developing our relations with China steadily and steadily. Our leaders, President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of China, Xi Jinping agreed on this. Today, as you said, we are going to sign all those agreements. Will consider concrete steps to ensure these are implemented consistently,” the top Russian diplomat said.

Putin and Xi met here in February at the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, where they strengthened their strategic alliance against the US and its coalition.

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As reported by Tass, Lavrov said during a meeting with Wang Yi in Tunxi, “Dear friend, I am especially glad to talk to you in another beautiful province. I have already visited many provinces of China. I’ve done it, and they’re all really good.”

While Lavrov’s visit to China is aimed at attending a meeting of foreign ministers of neighboring countries on Afghanistan, his visit assumes significance as Moscow’s close ally Beijing has supported Russia’s war on Ukraine, even though it is a NATO ally. Calling for a peaceful solution, highlighting Russia’s security concerns related to the expansion.

This is the first visit by a top Russian official to China since Moscow launched a war on Ukraine on February 24.

Significantly, US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns will attend the trio meeting of US special envoys to China, Russia and Afghanistan.

It is not yet clear whether Burns will meet Lavrov.

The trio’s meeting will take place on the sidelines of the third meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries on Wednesday and Thursday.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will chair the meeting, which will be attended by foreign ministers or their representatives from Pakistan, Iran, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi also met Wang Yi in Tunxi.

“The two Foreign Ministers exchanged views on bilateral strategic, economic and security cooperation; covid 19 pandemic; peace, stability and development in Afghanistan; and regional and international issues of mutual interest,” Pakistan’s state-run news agency APP reported.

He highlighted that the leaders’ consensus was translating into high-quality development of the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) Phase-II and increasing cooperation in various areas of cooperation such as industrial development, agricultural modernization and information technology.

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