Diet a Korean Can Follow to Get Glass-Skin

We all know that the K-culture craze for K-pop or K-drama has exploded. But, honestly, another aspect of K-culture that should be highly appreciated is K-beauty. You may have heard the term “glass skin” and were tempted to try a 10-step skin care routine. Maybe you wanted to dabble in K-dramas to see all the fuss, but ended up with an absolute obsession instead.

Who doesn’t want to wake up with beautiful, clear and glowing skin? While we are striving to get real glass skin for ourselves, we are missing out on some amazing foods that can do magic for our skin.

Not only skincare or beauty products that will make your skin healthy and glowing but you must have certain foods in your diet. And if you’re wondering what these are, we’re here to help. Dietitian Garima Goel while talking to Hindustan Times reveals the nutrients that one must include in their daily diet to see the magic.

1. Carrots
High in beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the skin from UV damage and prevent free radicals, which cause aging.

2. Avocado
High in minerals, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, making them a skin superfood. Consuming avocado regularly helps in tightening the skin and enhances the suppleness of the skin.

3. Walnuts
These include vitamin E and vitamin B5, which act as a protective shield for the skin. The inclusion of Vitamin E nourishes the skin from within and enhances the formation of collagen, aiding in the preservation of a youthful glow.

4. Pumpkin
Pumpkins contain abundant antioxidants, vitamins (A and C), and abundant minerals. It is also high in zinc, which is essential for the formation of new skin cells. It also aids in the regulation of oil production, improving skin tone and reducing the appearance of open pores.

5. Tomatoes
Lycopene, an antioxidant with excellent anti-aging properties, makes tomatoes stand out in the beauty industry. Add tomato pulp or juice to your skin to activate the benefits of lycopene. And, as if it couldn’t get any better, tomato pulp helps to tighten pores and prevent acne because tomatoes are acidic.

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