Diet for healthy eyes: Expert explains the beneficial foods for our eyes

Healthy food is a powerhouse of essential nutrients that help the body stay in its healthiest shape. Our eyes are an integral part of our body and they also require extra care and nutrition. In today’s day and age, we are always stressing our eyes through constantly working in front of laptop screens or consuming different types of media on our phones. This weakens our eyesight and in the long run it is harmful to the eyes. So it is very important for us to take care of our eyes and the best part is that our kitchen is full of amazing food items which are extremely beneficial for the eyes.

Read also: Winter Health: Include 7 foods in your diet for better eye health

Here are the 8 best foods for the eyes:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables like spinach, fenugreek and kale are rich in carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. They are also rich in vitamins A, C and E. They help reduce the risk of eye-related diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

2 eggs

Eggs are a rich source of protein, but few people know that they also contain zinc and the yolk contains carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. They protect us from eye-related macular degeneration (AMD) by preventing harmful blue light from damaging our retinas.


3. Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts

These vegetables are available year round and contain impressive amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Being rich in carotenoids and antioxidants, they protect our eyes from age-related diseases.

4. Legumes and Pulses

Surprisingly, a simple lentil is rich in protein, zinc and micronutrients. Chana, Rajma (Rajma) and Masoor are vegetarian options to keep our vision sharp and our eyes sharp


5. Salmon/Tuna/Trout

These fatty fish, along with other seafood, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA that protect our eyes from AMD and glaucoma. Maintaining adequate levels of these also prevents dry eyes.

Read also: 9 Incredible Benefits Of Salmon Fish You Didn’t Know


6. Bell Pepper

These vegetables, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, protect our eyes from cataracts. Other fresh fruits and vegetables such as cauliflower, papaya and strawberries also contain vitamin C and vitamin E. Try and eat these raw as the heat of cooking will break down the vitamin C.

Bell peppers

7. Seeds and Nuts

One ounce of these provides half of our daily vitamin E dietary intake. They help prevent cataracts, dry eyes, and AMD.


8. Orange colored fruits and vegetables

Carrots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, mangoes and apricots contain high amounts of beta-carotene – a form of vitamin A that helps with night vision, the ability of our eyes to adapt from light to dark.

Including these foods in your diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of eye diseases.

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