District courts to reopen today, High Court on Monday Ranchi News – Times of India

Ranchi : Jharkhand High Court On Thursday, the High Court and all subordinate courts in districts across the state ordered the resumption of physical hearings.
The Core Committee of High Court judges met here on Thursday and ordered to resume work in physical mode from October 4 in the High Court and in the district courts from October 1.
In a letter issued by the Registrar General of Jharkhand High Court, Gautam Choudhary, it has been ordered that all district courts should resume hearing of cases physically from October 1. The move will benefit 35,000 advocates of the state.
State courts, including the High Court, closed their doors in March 2020, when the first wave of global pandemic hit the state. High courts and district courts then adopted virtual hearing of cases and continue to do so. High Court is continuously monitoring COVID-19 situation and recently ordered 50 per cent of district courts to operate in hybrid (physical and virtual) mode.
Naveen Kumar, secretary of the Advocates Association, said that the association’s president advocate Ritu Kumar has also been included in the meeting of the core committee through video conferencing. Kumar said that it has been decided that certain standard operating procedures such as social distancing and wearing of masks will have to be maintained.
Kumar told TOI, “The association has also requested the High Court to inform the SOPs to the advocates and the suggestions of the bar will also be communicated to the judges for more effective implementation of the Covid-19 norms.”
The legal fraternity is buoyed by the resumption of normal functioning of courts in physical mode. “It’s been a long time since lawyers came to court. Covid has affected everyone and even lawyers have not been spared. Jharkhand State Bar Council member Hemant Kumar Shikarwar said advocates are waiting for work to resume after more than one and a half years.


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