Diwali 2022 celebrations begin on Google: Search these words to get surprised – Times of India

The countdown to Diwali, the festival of lights, has begun. With the passage of just one week, the festival has spread all over the country. search giant Google have also joined the celebration. Google has kept a ‘Diwali Surprise’ for its users in the country. The company wants users in India to search ‘Diwali’ in the search text box on its page. “Just to say, search for a Diwali surprise,” the company said in a tweet from its official Twitter handle @GoogleIndia. The words “Search Diwali for a surprise” in the tweet are surrounded by earthen diyas (diyas).

On searching ‘Diwali’ in the search text box google indiaThe website of the festival offers a variety of results about the festival. Above these results is the word ‘Diwali’ below which Diya is written and ‘Utsav’ is written. The lamp is surrounded by twinkling stars. On clicking on the lamp, the screen of the users will be filled with bright shining lamps. There are twinkling stars behind these lamps. A lamp moves around the screen when the cursor is moved. The same beautiful animation also shows up on searching ‘Diwali 2022’. Searching the keywords ‘Diwali’ or ‘Diwali 2022’ on the Google mobile app will give users similar results. Android And Apple Device. On clicking on any lamp on the app (Android and iOS both) the user’s mobile screen will be illuminated with bright light and the lamp will follow the user’s hand/finger movement. It is a beautiful sight both on mobile and laptop screen.
How to fill your screen with ‘light’
Open Google Search in your browser window. users chrome The browser can also use the address bar.
* Search keywords ‘Diwali’ or ‘Diwali 2022’
* The results which will be visible, Diwali will be written on their sides, on the side of which there will be burning lamps.
* Click on this Diya
* Now move the cursor on the screen, it will be filled with twinkling lights