Diwali 2022: Yoga Asanas To Lose Weight This Festive Season – Alia Bhatt’s Trainer Tells How!

Diwali 2022: Diwali is the time to light up our homes, to unwind, to meet friends and family, and to enjoy some good food. However, all the food and drink, sweets and sherbet means that the festive season adds to the extra hustle and bustle too! Love handles can be especially annoying when you want to flaunt those beautiful ethnic clothes. While eating mindfully is a suggestion that most fitness experts would give, it can be a bit tricky during the festive season. Yoga can be a great way to deal with the festive flavour. Celebrity yoga trainer Anshuka Parwani, who has coached big Bollywood stars including Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor Khan, took to her Instagram account and shared several videos with the title ‘Get fit this Diwali’.

Anushka mentioned in one of her posts, “Yoga asanas can really help you tone up raised love handles, strengthen your abdominal muscles and develop core strength.”

She listed the following exercises:

1. Mountain Pose (One Arm) Pulses – 15 reps
2. Mountain Pose (Both Hands) Pulses – 15 reps on each side
3. Elbow to Knee (Opposite Side) – 15 reps on each side
4. Elbow to Knee (same arm) – 15 reps on each side
5. Triangle Pose – 15 reps on each side

Watch the video below to know how you go about it:

upper body yoga

If you want to tone or work your upper body, which includes the muscles of the arms, shoulders, upper back, chest, etc., here are some exercises that Anoushka suggests:

1. Arm Circle – 15 reps
2. Plank Walk Out – 15 Reps
3. Downward Dog to Bear Plank – 15 reps
4. Reverse Table Top Dips – 15 reps
5. Forearm Plank

Watch the video below and follow the steps:

yoga for abs

Anushka says in her post, “Yoga is practiced not only to promote relaxation and balance, but also to help burn stubborn fat and strengthen muscles. Yoga will help strengthen the core and tone your abs. Could be a great way to do it.”

For toned abs, she suggests the following exercises:

1. Butterfly Crunches – 15 Reps
2. Table Top Crunches – 15 Reps
3. 90 Degree Crunches – 15 Reps
4. Table Top Hold – 1 Minute
5. Hip Dips – 15 reps

The video below will help you do the exercise:

yoga for lower body

When you want to remove flab from lower body parts like the thighs and hips, Anushka suggests these exercises:

1. Garland Squats – 15 Reps
2. Warrior 1 Lunges – 15 reps
3. Downward Dog to Pigeon – 15 reps
4. Staff Pose to Upward Plank Pose – 15 reps
5. Bridge Reach – 15 reps

Checkout below how to do the exercise:

As Anushka says, this Diwali, we should “spread love this Diwali, not handle love”. However, as experts point out, it is absolutely essential to check with your doctor before following any exercise routine if you have any health complications or injuries.

ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Tips for Asthma Patients Ahead of Diwali- 7 Steps to Beat Severe Air Pollution