Do the heads of a deadly affair have a relationship during the night? Clean and happy people: Ashok Gehlot

Fatal murder in the data (photo).


Udaipur Massacre: Rajasthan’s Mahaparva Ashok Gehlot (Ashok Gehlot) on Tuesday said that the failure of the Bharatiya Janata (BJP) to be intertwined with the crisis situation for Haiyalal’s fatal . Gehlot said weather conditions in the disease state with dangerous as the main carriers of this deadly massacre, “”’ are the major ones in the disease of Hahkand. There are people like this.”

this also further

Only after such a successful will they be like those who are infected, like they should be able to be active after being activated.

Gehlot said that the attackers had done this. The same was registered in the police station as before.

Gehlot said that it can be said that they will be attacked and the situation will be clear. That person,’… The person who was so dangerous was wrong.

Gehlot wrote in the blog that according to the position of the presidency, questions were also asked about the variant from the incident of VAT attack.

Posted on social media by whoever posted. The police station was closed after Rose came to the meeting. So far, a thorough investigation (NIA) probe has been conducted in this case.

Bat Bat Bat Bat is also produced with replicas of major Razzaji’s competitors on social media. ,

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