Do you know these 5 things that you cannot control in your body?

People nowadays are very concerned about their exterior, especially their hair and skin. But it is extremely important to embrace yourself with love and not worry about things that are not under their control. In an Instagram post, dermatologist Dr. Gurveen Wadach discussed some of the things that are beyond one’s control.

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premenstrual breakout

The appearance of zits every month just before the period is nothing to worry about. According to Gurveen, it’s normal to have breakouts or acne, like swelling and mood swings. The dermatologist said that a drop in estrogen and progesterone (female hormones) levels just before menstruation and a relative increase in testosterone (male hormones) levels also lead to breakouts. She said that it is normal to have 1-2 breakouts a week before periods and it should start to heal as soon as bleeding starts later. However, if your acne is persistent and painful, you need to consult a dermatologist.

hair length

Both men and women are quite possessive about their hair growth. Gurveen postulated that hair length is governed by the length of the anagen (growth) phase of a person’s hair follicles. The anagen phase for scalp hair can last anywhere from two years to seven years on average.

skin pores

Skin pores, which are basically small openings of oil or sebaceous glands on the skin, are a cause for concern for many people. However, the dermatologist said that they are a natural and necessary part of the skin. She explained that skin pores are more prominent in individuals with oily skin and they only increase in size as people age. “We cannot and do not want to get rid of them completely. But yes, with proper skin care regime and some treatments, we can reduce their prominence.”

moderate hair loss; 100 varieties a day

There can be many reasons for hair loss, from stress to low production of hormones. Gurveen reveals that hair fall is a natural part of the hair growth cycle. He explained that hair grows and dies in four stages, which are:

Anagen (growth phase)

Catagen (Transitional Phase)

Telogen (rest phase)

Exogen (hair loss phase)

Gurveen explained that once the hair completes its cycle, they fall out, therefore, it is natural to lose 100-150 hairs daily.

natural skin color

Although the market is flooded with fairness creams and skin lightening products, it is very important that every individual maintains their unique skin complexion in a healthy way. The dermatologist highlighted that there is a difference between skin tone and fairness, so one should aim to achieve the latter.

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