Documentary on Gauri Lankesh wins Best Human Rights Film at Toronto Women’s Film Festival 2022

The documentary film is directed by Gauri’s sister and award-winning director Kavita Lankesh.

The documentary film is directed by Gauri’s sister and award-winning director Kavita Lankesh.

GauriThe documentary based on the late journalist-activist Gauri Lankesh, directed by her sister and award-winning director Kavita Lankesh, has won the ‘Best Human Rights Film’ at the Toronto Women’s Film Festival 2022.

The film has also been selected for Montreal’s South Asian Film Festival and is being considered for Doc New York, Amsterdam’s International Documentary Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival and other festivals around the world.

Kavita Lankesh said in a statement that the documentary exposes the physical and verbal threats that journalists face every day in India.

“There have been over 200 attacks on journalists in India in the last five years, of which more than 30 were murders in the last decade,” he said. “The attacks are serious but the intent behind them is Matt”.

“India ranks 150 out of 180 in the Global Press Freedom Index”, he added, adding that attacks on dissidents and journalists are unfortunately not new and not limited to India, but it is the intensity in which attacks have taken place in the past. decade is a matter of concern.

Gauri Lankesh was shot dead near her house in Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore on the night of 5 September 2017.

Gauri Commissioned by Free Press Unlimited, Amsterdam. Free Press Unlimited’s mission stems from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; It states that this right includes the freedom to express opinions without interference and to seek, receive and provide information and views through any media and regardless of limitations.