Does Consumption Of Neem Leaves Reduce Blood Sugar Levels In Diabetic Patients? – News18

Pregnant women should abstain from eating neem leaves.

As per a lot of Ayurvedic doctors, neem leaves contain powerful flavonoids and other compounds that stimulate our pancreas.

Diabetes, a prevalent metabolic disorder, often manifests without major symptoms and can lead to various health complications. Dr Saroj Gautam, an Associate Professor at Aligarh Ayurvedic Medical College in Uttar Pradesh, has highlighted the potential benefits of neem leaves in controlling blood sugar levels, particularly for individuals with diabetes.

According to Dr Saroj, neem leaves, known for their bitter juices, can play a crucial role in managing blood sugar levels. The bitter compounds in neem leaves enter the body and contribute to reducing blood sugar. Many Ayurvedic practitioners assert that neem leaves contain potent flavonoids and other compounds that stimulate the pancreas, enhancing insulin sensitivity and facilitating the lowering of blood sugar.

To harness the potential benefits of neem leaves, Dr. Saroj recommends that diabetic patients can chew 5-6 neem leaves on an empty stomach or consume neem leaves with water. Alternatively, those who find this challenging can use neem oil as an alternative. Neem leaves are also recognized for their efficacy in providing relief from various skin-related ailments.

However, Dr. Saroj emphasises caution regarding the consumption of neem leaves. Certain individuals, including those who are physically weak, pregnant or breastfeeding, elderly, and young children, should refrain from consuming neem leaves as it may adversely affect their health. According to Web MD, neem oil and neem bark have been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. Individuals with autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and others should also avoid neem consumption, as it may stimulate the immune system, potentially exacerbating symptoms.

Individuals with specific health conditions need to exercise caution and seek medical advice before incorporating neem into their regimen. For instance, infants should avoid neem oil, as its ingestion can lead to serious side effects such as seizures, coma, and even death.