Don’t be surprised by China ignoring the LAC at the G20 meeting. This is a feature, not a bug

CHina ignored the crisis along the Line of Actual Control at the G20 Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Bali, Indonesia. Chinese nationalists ‘celebrated’ the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. A Chinese fighter jet infiltrated Indian territory, and a Chinese border town got 5G network coverage. chinascope Offers a 360-degree view of the stories about China that changed our world.

China in a week

G20 foreign ministers gathered in Bali for high-level diplomacy. China and India’s foreign ministers Wang Yi and Subrahmanyam Jaishankar met amid ongoing tensions along the border. reading of meeting Issued by the Indian side mentions discussion on the unresolved border standoff in Ladakh, but the Chinese readout does not mention the border dispute.

“Whether the crisis can be effectively managed and controlled is concerned with national security, and it is necessary to make a comprehensive use of political, military, diplomatic, economic, public opinion and other means to guide the development of the crisis in one direction.” itself,” was a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) op-ed Told After the 19th National Party Congress in 2018.

Diplomacy is a tool of China’s overall military strategy. So the time has come for us to stop being surprised by the lapse of the border standoff by the Chinese side. This is a feature, not a bug.

While in Bali, Wang Yi drew comparisons between Taiwan and Ukraine. “Some countries insist on the principle of sovereignty over the Ukraine issue, but they continue to challenge China’s sovereignty and the One-China doctrine on the Taiwan issue, and even deliberately create tensions in the Taiwan Strait. ,” They said.

Another important meeting in Bali was between the United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Wang Yi.

“The self-contradictions and comprehension differences in US policy toward China reflect a serious misconception of its views on the world, on China, on Sino-US relations, and on interests and competition. This is how many argue that the United States is exacerbating China-phobia. If such threat inflation remains unchecked, the United States China policy will only lead to an impasse that offers no way out,” Told Wang during his meeting with Blinken.

A Chinese PLA aircraft took off very close to the point of friction in eastern Ladakh during the last week of June, according for sources. The incursion comes as the PLA is conducting military exercises in the Xinjiang Military Region in eastern Ladakh. The exercise activities have also been cited by unknown sources in the Indian media. Covered In Chinese state media broadcast.

Chinese activities across the border are disrupting the operational procedures of the Indian Army.

Indian Army is facing the problem of radio communication on the LAC due to the rollout of 5G network along the border by China. sources say It has been told Indian Express.

The developments we have learned through anonymous sources in the media are very well reported by China. The country is leading a tremendous effort even before the border standoff in 2020.

On July 1, a Press conference Was held in Lhasa at the Publicity Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region Committee on “Economic and Social Development Achievements of the Ali Region”. The focus was on the development of 25 power projects in border villages at a cost of 170 million yuan.

Read also: Xi missing from front page of CCP’s People’s Daily, experts reading between lines

“Shikanhe Town has achieved full 5G network coverage, and 4G signal coverage, optical fiber and broadband access rates in administrative villages have reached 100%, 99.31% and 98.62%, respectively,” Told Tibet News Network About the press conference on July 1. Shikanhe town in Gar County is less than 60 km from Demchok, one of the Indian territories the PLA has encroached upon since 2020. And this PLA presence is being negotiated through diplomatic dialogue.

The development of China’s infrastructure projects – and most recently 5G networks – in Ngari has been covered in the Chinese media since 2019.

China’s challenge requires a proactive bureaucratic realignment rather than a reactive solution-finding approach.

And the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was the most talked about topic on Chinese social media platforms, including Weibo and WeChat.

The hashtag ‘Abe has no vital signs’ garnered 1.7 billion views on Weibo. Another hashtag, ‘Abe Shot’ has been viewed 1 billion times and that hashtag has been treated in ICU about 330 million times. On Friday, seven of the top ten trends on Weibo and 14 out of 15 on Baidu were related to Abe’s shooting.

Social media users expressed Discretion Abe’s death rejoices. His thoughts on the history of Japan’s aggression against China have made him famous on the mainland. But there were some who disagreed with popular sentiment.

“It’s hard to believe that there are people in Japan who behave like this?” Told A Weibo user from Jiangsu.

However, other social media users were ‘very happy’ with the killing, which was expected given the history of hostilities between the two countries.

Chinese state media tried to ignore the news of Abe’s death. home page of Xinhua has, People’s Daily And Beijing Daily Towards the bottom half of the page, it is mentioned briefly. xinwen lianboChina’s official news broadcast did not even mention the murder on the day it happened.

President Xi Jinping sent his condolences to Abe’s family nearly 24 hours after the assassination. Henry Gao, a law professor and observer of Chinese politics, said accurately Glossary The condolence message used by Xi was not the same as that used for Vietnamese leader Le Kha Feu, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and others.

The conversation on social media over Abe’s death was not the only big news from Chinese cyberspace. A hacker advertised the data of one billion residents of Shanghai on an obscure platform. after the usual doubts about truthfulness Of the data, experts confirmed that the leak was one of the largest known hacks of China’s government database.

“The vast repository of Chinese personal data was publicly accessible via a link to an insecure backdoor – a shortcut web address that gives unrestricted access to anyone with its knowledge – since at least April 2021, Leaks said. A site that locates and indexes databases exposed online,” CNN Is informed of,

China tried to rein in the news of the leak. For example, the hashtag ‘Shanghai data leak’ was censored on Weibo.

Read also: The PLA published an article on the Indian Navy. China’s eyes on INS Vikrant

China in world news

In the past weeks, we have heard that China’s Xiaomi is facing scrutiny for its business practices in India. Enforcement Directorate (ED) now investigating Another company- Vivo. The ED raided 48 locations of Vivo and 23 of its affiliated entities, resulting in the blocking of 119 bank accounts amounting to $58.76 million.

ED alleges that Vivo ‘transmitted’ almost India gives 50 per cent of its business, which is Rs 62,476 crore, to China to avoid paying taxes.

The raids may make it appear that India’s stance towards Chinese companies has become completely hostile. But it is not correct.

India Approved According to data obtained through the Right to Information Act (RTI), 80 foreign direct investment (FDI) proposals by Chinese entities on June 29. government Received 382 proposals from Chinese companies, of which 80 were approved, claimed the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade in an RTI response.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has been vocal about the counter-intelligence challenges posed by China. But the FBI and the UK’s MI5 issued an unprecedented statement on the challenge posed by China.

“The pervasive Western notion that increased prosperity within China and increased engagement with the West will automatically lead to greater political freedom has, I fear, been shown clearly wrong. But the Chinese Communist Party is our democratic, media and Interested in the legal system. Sadly, not to emulate them, but to use them to their advantage” Told Joint statement issued during a special event in London.

Read also: Restricting entry-exit of citizens to target academics, China becomes more authoritarian

Must read this week

Competition for China, India and Global Supply Chains – Antara Ghoshal Singh

Next wolf warrior: China prepares new generation of tough diplomats Richard McGregor and Neil Thomas


There is a growing market for self-defense training in China. Mark Dreyer and Haig Balian China Sports Insider Podcast Spoke to Yona Chan, who manage to Beijing chapter of the famous Israeli self-defense system Krav Maga, chinascope recommended listening to the conversation.

The author is a columnist and a freelance journalist, currently pursuing an MSc in International Politics with a focus on China from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He was previously a Chinese media reporter for the BBC World Service. He tweeted @aadilbrar. Thoughts are personal.

This is a weekly round-up that Adil Brar writes about in China. It will soon be available as a product only available to the customers.

(Edited by Zoya Bhatti)