Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs of Protein Poisoning

Proteins come as one of the most important macronutrients for your body. They are available in abundance in lean meats, dairy, vegetables, seafood, nuts and much more. They help in improving your skin tone, hair shine, weight loss and strengthen bones. They act as the building blocks of life. As the demand for it increases as you build muscle, for many fitness freaks, determining the right amount of protein is a cumbersome task. These macronutrients are packed with tons of health benefits, but if you start consuming them without thinking, their excessive benefits turn into serious health risks.

Top nutritionists agree that one gram of protein will be enough for every kilogram of your body weight. Protein poisoning from excessive consumption of protein without a combination of carbohydrates and fats is harmful to your health.

Here, we have compiled a list of some of the warning signs of protein poisoning in the body:

dehydrationAn excessive amount of protein also affects the kidneys as they have to work very hard to pass them through urine. This can lead to dehydration, so health experts suggest consuming plenty of vegetables and fruits for the presence of adequate minerals and water.

gaining weightConsuming excessive amount of protein causes your stomach upset which can result in unnecessary weight gain. This is why many athletes, in order to increase muscle mass, consume large amounts of protein and instead gain weight.

bad breathA complete protein based diet (ketogenic diet) involves complete refusal of carbohydrates. Switching to this diet burns fat and carbs in your body which results in bad breath. Hence it is advisable to consume adequate amount of carbohydrates for nutritious nutrition.

Depression: Individuals who consume disproportionate amounts of protein and less carbohydrates are more prone to mental problems like anxiety, depression, mood swings, negative emotions and much more.

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