Don’t shut us down for DG sets, give 24/7 power: Factory owner | Gurgaon News – Times of India

GURUGRAM: Industrial Association of Manesar has condemned the ban on diesel generators in view of deteriorating air quality in the area and demanded the government to review its decision. The appeal comes at a time when 25 factories in the industrial area have been sealed by the Air Quality Management Commission (CAQM) and state pollution boards.
Last week, the CAQM had directed the administrations of NCR districts in the state to impose “strict” restrictions on the use of diesel generators except for emergency purposes.
The factory owners have condemned the decision and appealed to the government to take a realistic approach towards air pollution in NCR by regulating development activities in the area.
A section of them has also asked the government to limit the development of residential projects around industrial units. “If you are developing industrial area, then, somewhere, you should stop building residential projects exactly opposite to each other. If there are industries, then there will be pollution. Industries have to suffer on every subject. If there is a shortage, then the supply has come down in the industries, said Pawan Yadav, president of IMT Industrial Association. When pollution increases, we are forced to shut down.”
The factory owners pointed out that since the government was unable to provide uninterrupted power supply, they had no option but to use diesel generators. Industries have sought relaxations from the government as shutting them down will add to their losses at a time when they are trying to revive business after the lockdown.
JN Mangla said, “Industries use generators to bridge the gap in power supply. The commission should also have members from the industry sector. We should be able to arrive at an amicable solution.” Gurugram President of the Industrial Association (GIA).
“We have written to the commission so that we can be allowed to work again. They have asked us to send a letter to the regional officer and certify that we will not use the generator without permission,” he said.
Pollution board officials could not be reached for comment.
