Don’t throw away the peels! 5 Fruit and Vegetable Skin You Can Eat

There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables are very good for health. But can you say the same about the peels of those fruits and vegetables? There is often a debate on whether those peels should be eaten or not. And there is every possibility that while cooking potatoes or eating cucumbers, the first thing we do is peel them off and throw them away. Guess what? In the process, you are not only throwing away some of the peels but also eliminating a good amount of nutrients from your diet. This is correct! The skin of some fruits and vegetables is packed with many essential nutrients that help benefit our overall health. In this article, we will tell you about some of the major benefits of eating the peels of fruits and vegetables.

Read also: 7 Amazing Ways to Reuse Leftover Vegetable and Fruit Peels

Here are 4 reasons why you should eat fruits and vegetables with the skin on:

1. Rich in Nutrients:

peels are packed with nutrients, which however differ depending on the type of fruit and vegetable. According to experts, some unpeeled produce contains higher amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals than those with the peel. For example, apples with the peel contain 115 percent more vitamin C (compared to unpeeled apples), reads USDA data.

2. Improves Digestion:

The high fiber content in these skins promotes healthy digestion and metabolism, contributing to a strong gut, enhanced immunity and overall nutrition.

3. Prevent Free Radical Damage:

Fruits and vegetables are generally high in antioxidants. But according to various studies, these nutrients are more concentrated on the outer layer of the produce. Hence, eating the peel leads to better detoxification, which protects us from free radical damage and inflammation in the body.

4. Reduce food waste:

The term zero-waste cooking has been in vogue for quite some time now. Consuming both fruits, vegetables and their peels not only benefits our health but also reduces the overall food wastage in your diet.

Read also: 5 unique ways to cook with vegetable and fruit peels


Here are 5 fruits and vegetables you can eat:

1. Potato:

We’re giving you more reasons to love potatoes! One of the most popular vegetables in your pantry, Potato Is versatile and can be added to any dish you want. Do you know that potato peel is also a great food ingredient? It is rich in vitamins B and C, iron, calcium and fiber and can be cooked in a variety of ways. We like to cut the skin into fine pieces and roast it with salt and fennel seeds. Try it with Dal Chawal and thank us later!

2. Gourd:

love it or not, you can’t avoid Bottle gourd in your diet, especially in the summer season. A lot has been told about its benefits, let us tell you about the benefits of its peels. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants and is considered good for health. We love frying bottle gourd rinds and enjoying them with white rice. You have to follow the same process for frying potato peels. You can also try making fresh chutney from bottle gourd peels and enjoy it with roti or paratha. Click here for the recipe.

3. Watermelon:

The properties of watermelon do not need any separate introduction. But have you ever thought of eating its peel? You heard us You can actually use the white part of the watermelon rind to make delicious sabzis at home. For the Watermelon Curry recipe, click here.

Read also: Indian Cooking Tips: Don’t throw away and waste watermelon rinds; Use it to make this delicious curry (Recipe Inside)


4. Orange:

we all peel Oranges before consuming them. Now don’t throw away the peels. Instead, dry them thoroughly, grind them and add them to tea or use them as a garnishing element for your salad bowls. Orange peels not only add flavor to your food but also add many nutrients to your diet.

5. Cucumber:

The skin of a cucumber is packed with vitamin K, fiber and potassium. Just cut off the waxy layer and enjoy it.

Now, when you are aware of the above mentioned benefits of peels of fruits and vegetables, we say, use them in your daily diet and enjoy. But yes, clean and wash these peels thoroughly before eating them.