Dr Shriram Nene Shares Tips And Tricks To Stay Fit For Those Stuck With A Desk Job – News18

Dr. Nene often takes to his instagram to share amazing tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (Image: Instagram)

Following these tips and tricks can help you maintain a proper and prosperous lifestyle, these tips are easy to follow too

It can be quite mundane for those who have to constantly sit at a desk owing to their job. Not only does it get boring at one point but with time this kind of a sedentary lifestyle can also hamper your health because sitting in the same way for a prolonger period of time can be extremely bad for the health. Someone who has a desk job needs to look after their health and be cautious of the choices they are making.

Dr. Shriram Nene took to his instagram account to share and help out everyone who is bound to a desk job. Check out his video here-

He captioned the post writing, “Desk-bound? No problem! Here are 5 things you can do to stay fit while glued to your chair.”

Here are the five tips that he shared on the video-

  1. Position The Screen At Eye Level
  2. Keep Your Feet Resting On The Ground
  3. Stay Hydrated And Drink Enough Water
  4. Take Breaks, And Stretch For Relaxation
  5. Maintaining A Nourishing Diet For Energy

In terms of the second point, Dr. Nene suggested that the legs should be kept a 90 degrees angle at all times and if needed one should get a ergonomic chair. It is imperative that a man must drink at least 3.5 litres of water and for a woman it should be around 2.7 litres on a daily basis. However if it is during the summer months then the amount of water one is consuming needs to be wy more than normal days. One must remember to take a break every 30-25 minutes and take stretch your leg and relax for a bit, it can be soothing and relaxing and taking breaks in between can help you with your work too.