DRDO and TIFR scientists test 6-Qubit Quantum processor

New Delhi: A team of young scientists from the DRDO Young Scientists Laboratory for Quantum Technologies (DYSL-QT), Pune and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai has completed the testing of a 6-qubit quantum processor based on superconducting circuit technology, a PIB press release stated.

The demonstration was carried out in front of the apex committee overseeing the DYSL-QT. The team submitted a quantum circuit from a cloud-based interface, which was then executed on the quantum hardware. The cloud interface was then updated with the computed results.

The project is a collaboration between DYSL-QT, TIFR, and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). The DYSL-QT scientists developed the control and measurement apparatus using off-the-shelf electronics and custom-programmed development boards. The qubits were designed and fabricated at TIFR.

The scientists are now working on the optimization of various aspects of the system’s performance before it becomes operational. The project team plans to provide wider access to the system for educational, research, and eventually as a testbed for testing superconducting quantum devices for analysis. The next steps in the project are to scale up the number of Qubits and assess the scaling trends with respect to technological challenges, development time, and monetary resources required for development, operations, and commercialization of various sizes of quantum computers.

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