Drone Show and After Sunset – NCC Republic Day Parade to be held for the first time in 2023

new Delhi: The National Cadet Corps (NCC) will host its annual Republic Day parade in the evening for the first time next year – on January 28 at the Cariappa Parade Ground in Delhi.

The parade, to be held earlier in the morning, will also include a drone show.

Sources in the defense and security establishment said that the theme of the show would be One India Excellent India, He said that the drones have all been indigenously manufactured.

The parade will conclude with the Prime Minister’s address at the annual event.

Marking a change from the standard practice, this year the parade will include a march-past by five NCC contingents instead of the usual 17. This will include a cavalcade and a youth-exchange program contingent, sources said.

The parade will also see the distribution of the Prime Minister’s Best Cadet Award, as well as an opportunity for photographs with the Prime Minister for the winners. Sources said that a specially minted coin will also be released to mark the completion of 75 years of NCC.

The Annual NCC Republic Day Parade is the culmination of the NCC Republic Day Camp. The NCC camp in turn marks the culmination of all NCC training activities. Every year 1,850 cadets from 17 Directorates participate in the NCC camp. At the camp, the instructors from the Indian Army put the cadets through rigorous training and drills.

NCC is the largest uniformed youth organization in the world. It was raised in 1948 and celebrated its 74th anniversaryth Anniversary on November 27 this year.

Read also: Modi announces expansion of NCC in border areas and training of one lakh cadets