Dutch princess’s 18th birthday party broke the rules of Kovid-19 – Henry Club

The royal family hosted 21 people in the park near the royal palace on Saturday, according to a letter sent by Prime Minister Mark Rutte to the Dutch parliament on Thursday.

This is despite government advice that people in the Netherlands should have no more than four visitors over the age of 13 to their home per day.

A government spokesman told CNN that the park is believed to be part of the royal family’s private home.

According to Rutte’s letter to Parliament, all guests were asked to undergo a test, get vaccinated and maintain social distancing.

“The king told me that upon closer inspection it was not correct to hold it,” Rutte said in the letter. “I think it’s a sensible response.”

Rutte said the initial birthday celebrations were canceled due to the coronavirus situation, but Saturday’s gathering was held at the “last minute”.

The Netherlands is currently at a COVID-19 alert level three, meaning the health system is facing “serious” pressure. “The Omicron version will overtake Delta in the coming weeks,” the government said on Tuesday.

As a result it has decided to extend the restrictions, including the closure of restaurants, bars and non-essential shops, till 5 pm on January 14, 2022. People are also being appealed to stay at home as much as possible.

Commenting on the royal COVID violations, lawmaker Eva van Esch of the “Party for the Animals” (Partij voor de Dieren) emphasized that the rules apply to everyone.

“It is necessary to set a good example for people in the Netherlands to follow the measures, which clearly has not happened here,” van Esch said in a statement.

“I understand celebrating your 18th birthday is a milestone, but other 18-year-olds can’t party as well.”
