Earth-like planet ‘TOI-1452 B’ discovered potentially covered by ‘huge ocean’

Last Update: 29 August 2022, 17:24 IST

Research on this ‘super-Earth’ will probably be done with the help of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). (credit: Shutterstock)

The transit was first detected by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and later observed by the Pesto camera installed on the Mont Mégantique Observatory’s telescope.

Astronomers’ quest to find Earth-like terrain has brought them closer to a new small exoplanet being dubbed a ‘super-Earth’. Called TOI-1452b, this exoplanet is located 100 light years away from Earth and appears to be the best candidate for a watery world like ours.

The interesting findings were published by the American Astronomical Society in The Astronomical Journal. The team of researchers was led by Charles Cadioux, a PhD student at the University of Montreal. The transit was first detected by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and later observed by the Pesto camera installed on the Mont Mégantique Observatory’s telescope.

The size and mass of TOI-1452b is slightly larger than that of Earth. It is located at some distance from its star where its temperature will neither be too hot nor too cold. Astronomers consider it to be an ‘ocean planet’, which means a planet that is covered with a thick layer of water. The measured planet mass and bulk density are suggestive of a planet with a rocky core surrounded by a volatile-rich envelope. According to reports, a year on this exoplanet will last only 11 days. “But since the red-dwarf star is smaller and cooler than our Sun, the planet receives the same amount of light from its star as Venus receives from our Sun,” NASA said.

Research on this ‘super-Earth’ will probably be done with the help of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). JWST will use transit spectroscopy to reveal the true nature of this intriguing exoplanet.

The team of researchers concluded that since the exoplanet receives minor radiation, it may be a ‘good candidate’ for a ‘water world’.

Keywords: Planet Like Earth, TOI-1452B, Exoplanet Like Earth, Planet with Water

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