Earth picked up an alien ‘Wow’ signal 45 years ago. Source? Read here to know

What did the aliens say about half a century ago on the night of August 15, 1977?

Yes, that’s right, aliens.

Are they communicating with us in real or is it straight from an ET movie directed by Steven Spielberg?

apparently not!

On the night of August 15, 1977, at around 11.16 pm, a strange radio signal The Big Year was obtained by the radio telescope which lasted only 1 minute and 12 seconds.

To this day, that strange radio signal remains a communication of mystery and a possible candidate claiming extraterrestrial communication.

See the photo shared by astronomer Jerry Ehman below.

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Photo shared by astronomer Jerry Ehman

Seeing a printout of the unique signal, astronomer Jerry Ehman circled the strange frequency and wrote ‘Wow’, giving it the mystic name.

Years later, researchers have identified the source of the radio signal that Ehman had dubbed the ‘wow’ signal to a Sun-like star in the constellation Sagittarius, about 1,800 light-years from Earth.

Allegedly, search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), which is searching the dark abyss of the universe for intelligent lifeforms, continues to study the signal.

A total of 66 G- and K-type stars were sampled to trace the source of the alien signal, but only one of them was identified as a possible Sun-like star, said research published in the International Journal of Astrobiology. , which considers what is available. Information

Astronomer Alberto Caballero, who led the research, has identified 2MASS 19281982-2640123 as the ideal target for observations in search of the techno-signature of the signal.

The search for the source took more than 45 years as it was never repeated and a similar signal was never detected.

“If we analyze the history of (some) radio signals that humanity has sent to multiple targets in hopes of contacting civilization, none of them had long transmission durations or were repeatedly sent over long periods of time.” An extraterrestrial civilization might have opted to behave in a similar way,” Caballero said in the paper.

The astronomer identified an object in deep space as the likely source of the wow signal, the Sun-like star 2MASS 19281982-2640123, which is too dim to image with current technology, an extragalactic source, or any other origin.

Prithvi also broadcast a radio message using the mighty Arecibo Telescope Puerto Rico contains information about the basic chemicals of life, the structure of DNA, Earth’s location in our solar system, and the shape of a human stick. However, no response has been received yet.

A new plan is now being considered to send another signal into deep space with new information that includes simple principles for communication, basic mathematical concepts, physics formulas, components of DNA as well as humans, Earth and return addresses. Contains information about if one wishes to return.

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