Eating pulses and cereals can increase life expectancy by 8 to 13 years: Study

We have often heard the saying that the right kind of diet can affect your health. Eating nutritious and healthy food can go a long way in keeping the body and mind healthy. Experts and nutritionists strongly recommend controlling diet to manage a wide range of health issues and lifestyle diseases. And now, research backs up this claim too! A recent study suggests that a healthy diet has a significant impact on a person’s life expectancy. According to research, eating a healthy diet can increase life expectancy by up to 13 years!

Study The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Bergen, Norway, and published in the journal ‘PLOS Medicine’. The idea behind the study was to find out what kind of food we should be eating and how it might affect our lives. This data will then help policy makers, clinical personnel and experts to formulate their dietary recommendations and make informed choices. “Food is fundamental to health, and globally dietary risk factors are estimated to cause 11 million deaths annually and 255 million disability-adjusted life years,” the report said.

(Also read: Why are whole grains good for you? 7 benefits to watch!,

Experts recommend following a healthy diet, and now science backs it up too. photo credit: iStock

The researchers used data and analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study (2019). They tracked changes in life expectancy in relation to changes in intake FruitVegetables, whole grains, refined grains, nuts, legumes, fish, eggs, milk/dairy, red meat, processed meats and sugar-sweetened drinks.

The study compared three types of diets—the first was an optimal diet, with significantly higher intakes of whole grains, legumes, fish, fruits, vegetables, and red and processed meats, including a handful of nuts while reducing sugar. .Sweet beverages, and refined grains. A Western diet consisted of a high intake of processed meat, refined grains and sugary beverages. The third diet, that is, the feasibility approach diet, was the midpoint between an optimal and a typical Western diet.

(Also read: Cooking Tips: 4 Legumes You Can Use to Prepare a Hearty Bowl of Mixed Beans Salad,


Whole foods can increase life expectancy by up to 13 years.

Study results suggest a continuous change from Western to adapted diet from the age of 20 years Life expectancy in the United States would increase by 10.7 years for women and 13 years for men. Eating more legumes, whole grains and nuts and less red meat and processed meats will have this effect on their health. Even bringing this change at age 60 would mean an extended lifespan of 8 years for women and 8.8 years for men!

Thus, it is a good idea to consult a qualified dietitian or Nutrition And bring these dietary changes to live a long and healthy life!