EC relaxes restrictions for indoor and outdoor rallies, road shows continue to be banned

The Election Commission on Sunday announced exemptions for indoor and outdoor rallies for five polling states.

Election Commission eases restrictions for indoor and outdoor rallies, road shows remain banned (file photo)

The Election Commission of India on Sunday announced exemptions for indoor and outdoor rallies in five election states. 50% crowd is allowed for indoor rallies, while 30% capacity is allowed for outdoor rallies.

“Further relaxation of restrictions in respect of outdoor meetings/indoor meetings/rallies subject to the condition that the number of persons attending the indoor/outdoor Meetings/Rallies will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the capacity 30 per cent of the capacity of indoor hall and open ground or as prescribed by the DEO as per requirement of social distancing norms and whichever is less,” reads the EC order.

The ban on padyatras, road shows and vehicle rallies remains in place. Whereas preaching from house to house The limit of 20 persons will continue.

Restrictions have been eased just days before the first phase of polling for assembly elections in five states.

This decision has been taken in view of the steady decline in the rate of Kovid infection and the increasing number of vaccinations.

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