Edit Tweet Feature Is Finally Here, But Only for Twitter Blue Users in Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Last Update: October 04, 2022, 11:36 IST

Twitter Blue customers in Canada, Australia and New Zealand are getting the ability to edit tweets.

Twitter Blue subscriptions are paid on a monthly basis, and are priced regionally based on the current US price of $4.99.

After thorough testing, microblogging platform Twitter has confirmed that it is rolling out its ‘Edit Tweet’ feature to users in Canada, Australia and New Zealand and will be coming to the US soon. The company said that this feature is for Twitter Blue users. However, it did not mention the availability of the feature for the Indian audience.


According to a tweet from Twitter Blue, “Testing went well, Edit Tweet is now available to Twitter Blue members in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.” The microblogging platform mentioned that a version history will be available on each edited tweet, so that users can know what has changed.

“Looking at your edits, we’re excited to continue expanding this test to new markets – can’t wait to hear what you think!” Twitter Blue mentioned. Last month, Twitter demonstrated the feature on its platform by tweaking one of its tweets, which featured ‘Last Edited’ at the bottom of the post. Twitter edited a tweet and once “Last Edited” is clicked, people can view the original tweet and previous edit history.

Twitter Blue subscriptions are paid on a monthly basis, and are priced regionally based on the current US price of $4.99 (approximately Rs.400).

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