Elderly Congress functionary dies at AICC headquarters

An 84-year-old Congress worker died after he fell down at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) headquarters in the national capital, the police said on Saturday. 

An information was received from the Armed Forces Clinic, K.G. Marg, regarding the death of a person inside the Congress headquarters, the police said

The victim was identified as Retd. Major Ved Prakash, a resident of Neb Valley, Sainik Farm. He was an active Congress worker and president of the party’s ex-servicemen wing.

A senior police officer said, “As per the statements of those present, he got disbalanced while walking and fell down. He injured his forehead and became unconscious. He was taken to the Armed Forces Clinic at Dalhousie Road where he was declared dead.”

“As of now no foul play is suspected by family members,” he added.

Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi condoled his demise.  “The news of the demise of Major Ved Prakash ji, former president of the Congress ex-servicemen organization and an important member of the Congress family, is saddening. Always devoted to the country, Major Sahab’s death is an irreparable loss to the Congress family. I express my deepest condolences to his loved ones,” he wrote.

The police has also initiated inquest proceedings under Section 174 CrPC and post-mortem examination will be conducted tomorrow, the officer said.