Elon Musk confirms roll-out of new Twitter feature – a look at the changes

Changes continued at Twitter in the new year, with fresh layoffs and changes to a number of features. New CEO Elon Musk confirmed on Friday that changes are coming for the ‘Bookmarks’ button, image length cropping and more. While the businessman gave a specific time frame for some of the changes, his comments on the micro-blogging site indicate that more updates are in the works.

“Bookmark button going to tweet detail page, image length cut and other minor bug fixes next week,” he posted on Friday.

He had previously responded positively after a Twitter user asked for “an option allowing to disable cropping when uploading an image”, insisting that he “didn’t like it”.

Musk also said that changes would be made to Twitter’s ‘Recommended’ section later this year with the set up being “much better”.

Responding to a user, Musk assured that “a new UI coming this week” will allow people to easily switch between the ‘Recommended’ and ‘Following’ sections.

Last week on Sunday, the tech mogul hinted that the upcoming changes would “make it easier to create folders to bookmark tweets in different categories”.

He also talked about a multi-part ‘huge UI overhaul’ and “significant backend server architecture changes” on the forum in the past.

“Twitter will publish tweet recommendation codes and account or tweet statuses visible no later than next month. Transparency builds trust,” the company head posted Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, as Musk insisted on “transparency”, the 14th edition of the “Twitter Files” was released on Thursday. The latest one, called ‘The Russiagate Lies’, deals with a “fake story of Russian bots and the ‘releasedmemo’ hashtag”.

In addition to the upcoming bookmarking and image cropping update, Musk’s responses to Twitter users also indicate that a number of other changes could be made in the coming days.

He responded positively when a Twitter user asked to optimize search results for spelling errors and hinted at the possibility of emphasizing ‘bold’ and ‘italic’ words on future posts.

Musk appeared to accept a netizen’s suggestion for Twitter user profiles to show information beyond their current follower count – “something like their 30-day rolling average or some other view-based metric”.

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