Elon Musk’s free speech debate in the West and its relevance in India

Expected acquisition of Twitter by billionaire Elon Musk has sparked debate over the role of social media platforms in regulating freedom of expression and information flow in the United States.

Even though Musk has addressed himself as a “free speech autocrat” and made it the core of his agenda following his acquisition of Twitter, some human rights groups believe this latest development to be indecent on the microblogging platform. can affect language.

Prior to his bid to take over Twitter, Musk had complained about the censorship of the company’s tweets, which it deemed offensive or misinformation, but it is unclear how the potential change of ownership would affect the day-to-day user experience. How will it affect

He has said that Twitter should develop into a true venue for freedom of expression. Musk called free expression “the backbone of a functioning democracy” in a statement issued after the deal was finalized.


But some have expressed concern that the platform could be used to spread hate speech and misinformation without security.

For example, Deborah Brown, a digital rights researcher and advocate for Human Rights Watch, told Reuters that they have a human rights obligation to respect the rights of those who use the network around the world, regardless of who controls Twitter.

“Changes in its policies, features and algorithms, large and small, can have disproportionate and sometimes devastating effects, including offline violence,” Brown said.

Additionally, she said: “Freedom of expression is not an absolute right, which is why Twitter needs to invest in efforts to keep its most vulnerable users safe on the platform.”

The NAACP or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a civil rights advocacy organization in the US, said in a statement: “Mr. Musk: Free speech is wonderful, hate speech is unacceptable. Twitter of propaganda, misinformation and hate speech” But there’s no place.”

Michael Kleinman, Amnesty International USA’s director of technology and human rights, said Twitter has a responsibility to protect human rights, including the right to be free from discrimination and violence, as well as the right to freedom of expression and opinion. . Who is the owner of the company?

“We are concerned by any steps that Twitter may take to eliminate the enforcement of policies and mechanisms designed to protect users. The last thing we need is a Twitter deliberately delivering violent and abusive speech against users.” takes a turn a blind eye to, especially including women, non-binary individuals and others who are most affected,” he said in a statement.

Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), told Reuters that while Elon Musk is a member of the ACLU and one of its most ardent supporters, there is too much risk in putting that much power in the hands of one person. a person.

It is noteworthy that after the Twitter board agreed to sell the platform to Tesla CEO for $44 billion, many conservatives in the US began to cheer the prospect of a less-regulated platform, with the House Republican Conference calling Musk the former Pressured President Donald Trump to reactivate. handle.

Trump’s account was suspended indefinitely following the January 6, 2021 US Capitol riots, during which, according to many, he posted provocative videos and posts.

The NAACP, however, warned Trump against returning to Twitter or allowing the medium to become a “petri dish” for lies.

“It is of utmost importance to protect our democracy, especially as the midterm elections approach. Mr. Musk: Lives are at risk, and so is American democracy,” the group noted in the statement.

Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a prominent Republican and potential presidential candidate in 2024, said Musk’s bid to buy Twitter “raises the possibility that the platform will be a place where freedom of speech can flourish, not a tool to implement the narrative”.

Even the House Republican’s Twitter handle tweeted, “Hey it’s a great week to free @elonmusk @realDonaldTrump.”

In response to the announcement, Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, an ardent Trump supporter, tweeted “free speech is making a comeback”.

Trump, on the other hand, has said he will not return to the social media platform, where his posts during his stay at the White House have often sparked debate and, at times, sparked diplomatic crises around the world.

Former President Said: “I’m Not Going To Twitter, I’m Going To Stay On Truth” [Truth Social], I hope Elon buys Twitter because he’ll improve it and he’s a good person, but I’m gonna stick to the truth.

free speech and india

In terms of freedom of speech, the rules in India are different from what we see in America. The First Constitutional Amendment, enacted in 1951, places “reasonable restrictions” on the fundamental right to freedom of expression and expression guaranteed by Article 19(1)(a). The restrictions were imposed to protect “the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or with respect to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence”.

Such constraints, which were later endorsed by the Supreme Court, could potentially clash with Musk’s idea of ​​free speech. The Indian government has often warned social media platforms that the content appearing on the platform must comply with Indian regulations.

It is worth mentioning that the government can send takedown notices on social media sites like Twitter under Section 69(a) of the Information Technology Act 2000 if a user shares content that is prohibited under the Constitution, which the platform must remove.

If Twitter chooses not to remove any such tweets, it could lead to legal trouble. For example, Manish Maheshwari, the then India chief of Twitter, was summoned by the Uttar Pradesh Police in 2021 after a video promoting misinformation on the platform went viral.

It should also be noted here that IT regulations introduced in February 2021 require the social media platform to designate a compliance officer, whose job it is to ensure that the company complies with all conditions.

In accordance with the IT Rules, if a company fails to do so, its Chief Compliance Officer shall be held liable in any proceedings relating to any relevant third-party information, data or communication links provided or hosted by that intermediary. where he or she fails to ensure that such arbitrator exercises due diligence in the discharge of his duties.

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