Emergency a blot on India’s democracy, Congress can never be forgiven for imposing harsh measures: JP Nadda

PM on 46th anniversary of imposition of emergency Narendra Modi On Friday said those “dark days” can never be forgotten and called for strengthening India’s democratic spirit and taking a pledge to live up to the values ​​enshrined in the Constitution.

“This is how the Congress crushed our democratic ethos. We remember all those great personalities who opposed the Emergency and protected Indian democracy.”

“The dark days of emergency can never be forgotten. The period from 1975 to 1977 saw the systematic destruction of institutions. Let us resolve to make every effort to strengthen the democratic spirit of India and live up to the values ​​enshrined in our Constitution.

Other senior BJP leaders also hit out at the Congress with Home Minister Amit Shah saying the Congress had “murdered” democracy on this day in 1975 for its lust and arrogance of power.

Emergency was imposed to quell voices raised against one family, he said, calling it a dark chapter in India’s democracy.

BJP President JP Nadda paid tributes to those who fought against the Emergency while facing many atrocities.

Emergency was imposed by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for a period of 21 months from 1975 to 1977, when fundamental rights of the people were curtailed.

Gandhi lifted the Emergency in 1977 and called for Lok Sabha elections, in which the Congress suffered a crushing defeat, the first by a joint opposition of the Janata Party since the country’s independence in 1947.

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