Employees of this Indian start-up can now take a 30-minute afternoon nap

The company said that it is working towards making comfortable nap pods. (agent)

An Indian start-up has come up with an innovative solution for employees who struggle to take power naps during working hours. Wakefit Solutions has announced that it will allow all its employees to have lunch for half an hour every day.

In an “official announcement” on Twitter, the company said that all employees will have the “right to nap” between 2 pm and 2:30 pm. And all employees’ calendars will be blocked during this time as an “official nap”, it said.

“We are also working towards creating comfortable nap pods and quiet rooms in the office to create the right nap environment for our employees,” the company said.

The tweet also contained a screenshot of an internal email sent by Wakefit co-founder Chaitanya Ramalingagowda. In it, Mr. Ramalingagowda cited a NASA study that suggested afternoon naps are associated with better performance and productivity. He said the study showed that a “26-minute catnap” could increase performance by up to 33 percent. Citing another Harvard University study, he said that it shows how naps can prevent burnout.

“Keeping these in mind, we have decided to normalize the afternoon nap at work and declare an official nap from 2 pm to 2:30 pm for all our employees. From now on you will have the right to take a nap between 2 pm and 2:30 pm.”

While WakeFit allowed its employees to take afternoon naps, many wondered, it remains to be seen whether other companies repeat the practice, as many start-ups are now focusing more on a better work-life balance for their employees. are concentrating.

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