Enchanting display of stone art and natural stones

Going back to the history of architecture and buildings in the country reveals a constant courtship with natural stone, be it granite, marble or any other variety. A fertile ground for the erstwhile stone carvers to reveal their prowess, the astonishing carvings on them leave the onlookers speechless even after several centuries.

buddha in stone

Natural stone continues this interest in the contemporary scene as well, with strong aspirations being displayed to incorporate them into built spaces, either as flooring, as a highlight wall, a featured decoration, or as art. in the form of pieces. Whatever the subject of decoration or functional use of the space, the presence of natural stone in one form or the other is highly sought after and held in high esteem.

Bengaluru is currently hosting a spectacular display of natural stone from different parts of the country and around the world in 15 th Edition of the Stone Fair, STONA 2023. The biennial four-day exhibition, organized by the Federation of Indian Granite and Stone Industry (FIGSI) from February 15 to 18, has over 3,000 stalls with a special enclosure, Shilpgram, where 30 stone craftsmen from across the country are participating and displaying their wares. are performing.

imaginative carvings of daily life

imaginative carvings of daily life

surprising variety on display

The stalls display a huge variety of natural stones, each coming in a range of finishes, be it matte, gloss, or leather, the rich display hosting stunning patterns of grain structures. The mesmerizing patterns and colors on these natural stones are the result of the fusion of metals and minerals, which manifest as exotic grain patterns and colors.

household items

household items

Be it a water flow pattern, colors mimicking the setting sun, a fossil imprint or a pattern resembling the sprinkling of modern art, the extent of the display testifies to the ground conditions from which they were excavated and the nature that took centuries to form them. had the impression of , There is also a range of new varieties of granite from Rajasthan on display which include green, blue, yellow, brown and white colours.

sculpture extravaganza

Shilpgram serves as another royal feast to feast the eyes, displaying a wide variety of sculptures, stone artefacts. An exquisite Krishna idol with intricate carvings sculpted by renowned stone artist, Rakesh Kumar Maharana of Orissa, stands at the entrance of the hall, mesmerizing the onlookers with the details and skill of the craftsmanship employed, such and sets the benchmark for artworks.

alien pattern

alien pattern

Whether it is Nataraja or Ganesha in pink stone, Buddha in onyx, or a series of small sculptures in soapstone and marble, household items such as utensil holders, table fountains, trays, jewelery boxes, are made with stone mosaic art. The range offered at Shilpgram Waste Stone Pieces is wide and delectable. Depending on the intricacy of the carving and the size of the sculpture, each master piece can take anywhere from 3 months to 3 years to complete. KPJ Prabhu Artisan Training Institute, an artisan training institute in Bidadi, also has its students display their sculptures in soapstone.

addressing sustainability

Although natural stone is being sought after by both architects and end consumers, questions have arisen about the impact of quarrying on the environment, while the natural stone industry has also faced a number of challenges to ensure its sustainability.

“Several mines in Karnataka have closed down and this has affected processing units which are currently operating at 30 per cent capacity and are dependent on raw material from neighboring states”, FIGSI general secretary S Krishna Prasad lamented. He said, “In order to enhance the sustainability of mines and facilitate ancillary activities, the designated area needs to be increased from the existing one acre to 5 acres, including the area to address ancillary activities located within 2 km of the mine site ”

Speaking on the disposal of mine waste, Prasad said that the waste can be put to many uses where the sustainability quotient is high such as use in making artificial sand, gravel in landscaping, laying roads and other infrastructure related activities. use in “Empty mines can also be converted into rainwater harvesting ponds in states like Rajasthan,” he added.

For the social and infrastructural development of the workers employed in the industry as well as the areas around the mines, Prasad said, “30 per cent royalty is handed over to the District Mineral Fund for rehabilitation of the excavated areas. Federation is also setting up skill centers in Jaipur and Hosur soon.