Epilepsy patients face social stigma, doctors say

Epilepsy is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures will be caused by turbulent electrical impulses. The underlying cause of such activity needs to be thoroughly evaluated for the correct diagnosis and treatment of the problem.

“Inherent factors may include sudden metabolic changes in the body such as a sudden increase/decrease in sugar levels, excessive vomiting or movement or structural conditions such as meningitis and head infections, which can spread to the brain,” says Dr MV Vijay Shekhar, Nominated Professor of Neurosurgery, Andhra Medical College (AMC) Hindu On the occasion of World Epilepsy Day.

“The normal brain adjacent to a brain tumor can also be compressed and result in seizures. In such cases removal of the tumor and use of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) can reverse the condition. When the underlying cause is not identified the condition can be managed with lifelong use of drugs by the patient.”

“The patient is to be assessed on need basis based on CT scan/MRI. The origin of the seizure, that is, from which side of the brain the abnormal electrical impulses are emanating, can be known with the help of an electro encephalo graph (EEG). Other tests include Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), which reveal the metabolic function of the brain,” says Dr Vijay Shekhar.

“The first aid for epileptic patients is to transfer the patient to a safe location, to allow adequate ventilation and to turn the head to one side. Turning the head to one side is to allow the foam from the mouth to flow freely. Otherwise, it Can enter the lungs and strangle the patient. A handkerchief or any available cloth should be rolled up and placed in the mouth to prevent the patient from biting his tongue,” he says.

“A single seizure does not indicate epilepsy and epilepsy is defined as having two or more unprovoked seizures. Misunderstandings, discrimination, and social stigma continue in many countries today, affecting people’s quality of life. Affecting, living with the disorder, and their family. Causes can be divided into structural, genetic, infectious, metabolic and unknown, “K. According to Atchia Naidu, Consultant Neuro Surgeon, KIMS ICON Hospital.
