Erdogan threatens to expel ambassadors – Times of India

Istanbul: President of Turkey Risp Tayip Erdogan Averting a potential diplomatic crisis, a prison activist backed by a prisoner backed out late Monday threatened to expel ambassadors from 10 Western countries. “We believe that these ambassadors, who have fulfilled their commitment to Article 41 of the Vienna Convention, will now be more careful in their statements,” he said. Envoys from the US, Germany and France called for the philanthropist’s release last week Usman Kavala, who has been in Turkish prison for four years and awaits trial on the charges, many consider to be baseless. Ambassador of the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and New Zealand also joined the appeal.
On Monday, the US embassy in Ankara tweeted that it “maintains compliance” with Article 41, which outlines the duties of diplomats to respect the laws of the host state and not interfere in internal affairs. Other missions posted the same message. AP


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