Etiquette expert Anna Bey shares the warning signs to know your date is toxic – Henry’s Club

An Elegance Coach lists warning signs that may indicate that you are dating someone toxic.

a youtube. In VideoAnna Bay said it’s important to recognize if you’re dating a narcissist, if you’re being ‘love bombed’ or if you find yourself trusting someone new too easily.

Ms Bey of Geneva, Switzerland, shared examples of each of the warning signs.tinder Thug’ – a popular true crime Netflix Documentary about an accused con man who lures women on dating apps for money.

Ms Bey encouraged women to ‘be careful’ and pay attention to one’s actions and how they behave in order to understand their true intentions.

To understand if someone is toxic, it’s important to educate yourself about the various behavioral traits.

Elegance coach Anna Bey (pictured) said it’s important to recognize if you’re dating a narcissist, if you’re being ‘love bombed’ or if you find yourself trusting someone new too easily

Ms Bey shares examples of each warning sign she cites ‘Tinder Swindler’ – a true crime Netflix documentary about an accused con man who woos women on dating apps for money

Are you dating a narcissist, psychopath or sociopath

First, Ms. Bay said everyone should be able to differentiate between a narcissist, a psychopath or a sociopath.

The Oxford Dictionary classifies a narcissist as a person who praises himself excessively, whereas a psychopath is a person who suffers from a mental disorder accompanied by violent social behavior.

For comparison, a sociopath is defined as a person with a personality disorder.

Ms Bey encourages women to ‘do their research’ or talk to a professional about the three characteristics and how these people might act around others or on dates.

Ms Bey encouraged women to be ‘careful’ and to pay attention to one’s actions and how they behave in order to understand their true intentions.

Are you the ‘perfect victim’ for manipulation?

In the documentary, several women are duped out of thousands of dollars by a rich looking man.

For this reason, Ms Bey says to consider whether you are the ‘perfect victim’ for manipulation by reflecting on your own behaviors – such as appearing desperate or trusting too easily.

She said in the video, ‘You might be confused as to why the warning sign is now about you.

Ms Bey continued to say that she believes con men ‘find their prey’ and often target women who ‘trust easily’ or ‘look despondent’ .

She said that ‘desperation leads to danger’ possibly compromising one’s own values, boundaries and beginning to dismiss warning signs altogether.

Love bombing is a term used to describe when someone showers you with attention, gifts or frequent text messages to make you feel comfortable and let your guard down (stock image)

If they love you ‘bomb

‘Love bombing’ is a term used to describe when someone showers you with attention, gifts or constant text messages to make you feel comfortable and let your guard down.

But Ms Bay said ‘be careful’ when it happens, as it is often used as a manipulation tactic.

“It’s incredibly effective with women because we often dream of this attention and complete commitment,” she said.

Ms Bey said love bombing can be done in many different ways, such as showing someone with a gift, with words of appreciation or contemplating the future together.

If your date asks you to borrow money, Ms Bey said to be ‘suspect’, especially if it is early in the relationship (stock image)

If they ask you to borrow money

Ms Bey added that if your date asks you to borrow money, ‘be suspicious’, especially if it’s early in the relationship.

“There will be real people who need real help, but you really need to assess the situation properly,” he said.

‘If someone asks you [for money]First and foremost evaluate the relationship, also look at the request they are making – is this a strange question or is it a normal enquiry?’

‘If someone is asking you to use your savings or take out a loan, you could be in for someone who is trying to cheat you.’