EU flag removed from Arc de Triomphe after stir – Henri Club

Junior European Affairs Minister Clement Beaune, who said on Friday that the flag would be in place for “several days”, said it had been taken down as planned.

“While it was determined that the flag was to be lowered this Sunday, we had not established the exact time,” Beaune told France Inter radio.

He rejected the idea that the government had given after the far-right leader Marine Le Pen On Saturday she said she would appeal to France’s State Council to remove the EU flag.

“The government has been forced to remove the EU flag from the Arc de Triomphe, a beautiful patriotic victory in early 2022,” Le Pen said on Sunday.

“We didn’t back down, there was no change in plan… I’m sure France’s destiny is in Europe,” Bean said.

He said that Le Pen and other leaders got it all wrong when they said that the flag of the European Union had superseded the French flag because the latter was not displayed permanently. Victory Monument,
French President Emmanuel Macron, who has yet to say whether he will run for re-election in April, defeated Le Pen in a 2017 run-off Up to 66%-34%.
Most of the polls suggest that in the coming time, the match will be seen again between the two. presidential election, while Macron was expected to win again, albeit with a slight margin.