EU gives final approval to law forcing Apple to switch to USB Type-C

The European Union today gave its final approval to the Common Charger Directive. The law mandates a USB Type-C port for a full range of electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets and headphones. After this, there will be no need to buy a separate charger every time you buy a new mobile phone or similar device in Europe.

The rule will have a big impact on these Apple As the company will be forced to abandon its old Lightning port on its iPhones for USB-C which is already used by many of its Android competitors.

The decision was announced by EU council via a press release. It said that having a common charger, harmonizing the charging interface and fast charging technology, will improve consumer convenience and significantly reduce electronic waste.

“We all have at least three mobile phone chargers in our house. Searching for the right charger at home or at work can be quite a hassle. In addition, these chargers generate 11,000 tonnes of e-waste every year. Having a charger that fits multiple devices will save money and time and also help us reduce electronic waste”, says Józef Siquela, Minister of Industry and Trade.

What is the new EU rule?

The new rules will make a USB Type-C charging port mandatory for a full range of electronic devices. The instruction also allows consumers to choose whether to purchase a new device with or without a charger. “This will not only save consumers money, but will also reduce electronic waste associated with the production, transportation and disposal of chargers”, the rule states.

To make this technology available to more devices, the Commission will work on harmonization of wireless charging for electronic devices and interoperability based on technological developments.

Categories of devices affected by this move

The new rules will apply to a wide range of portable devices. it includes

– mobile phone

– Tablet and e-reader

– Digital cameras and video game consoles

– Headphones, earbuds and portable loudspeakers

– Wireless mice and keyboards

– Portable Navigation System

Apart from this, all laptops will also come under the ambit of the new rules 40 months after the implementation of the directive.

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