Ever seen blue ginger? This unique picture of ginger will surprise you

Ginger is an essential ingredient in Indian cooking. It is used extensively in various cuisines and adds a unique flavor and aroma to the food. Ginger is known for its pungent, spicy and slightly sweet taste and is usually light brown or beige in color. The outer skin of fresh ginger root is light brown, while the inside is a lighter shade of yellow or beige. While the color of ginger can vary depending on the variety and age of the ginger root, have you ever seen ginger that is blue in color? Recently, Angelica Aribam, a political activist, spotted a deep blue colored ginger.

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Angelica shared a picture of this unique type of ginger on Twitter. In the photo we can see two pieces of half cut ginger which are dark blue in color from inside. “I’ve never seen blue ginger in my 20 years of cooking. Is this normal?” read the caption of the tweet. Check out his tweet here:

Since being shared, the photo has so far garnered 17.7K views and 111 likes. The tweet caught the attention of netizens as they were left in awe of this unique type of ginger. Some people also reported that ginger turns blue when kept in a cold environment. One person shared one such picture of blue ginger and wrote, “These are widely grown in Mizoram.”

“This is black ginger – also called Thai ginseng – the plant looks very similar so the farmer might have mistaken it for regular ginger when harvesting. It has some medicinal properties. Not as popular as black turmeric,” read another comment.

A third person jokingly wrote, “Ginger may have recently got blue subscription for its authentication.” “This happens when it is grown or stored in a cold environment,” added another.

The fifth comment reads, “This happens if it is kept in cold temperatures for a long time. Will have a milder flavor than regular ginger. Just smell it and check for mildew.”

What do you think of this blue ginger? have you ever seen it? Tell us in the comments below.

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