Ever wanted to make your own KitKat? This Tokyo Store Lets You Do It

chocolate Has always been close to our heart. They provide an incomparable experience that is enjoyed by children and adults alike. The chocolate flavor has inspired various savory shakes and is also used as a topping in cakes. Growing up, we have all wished to make our own chocolates at a chocolate factory at least once. While you might think this is not possible, a chocolate store in Japan allows you to do so. The KitKat Chocolatey outlet is located in the Miyashita Park shopping mall in Shibuya, Japan.

Chocolatey is for those who aren’t satisfied with grabbing a KitKat bar from a store and want to customize their own. In case you’re curious how it works, a man has shown a glimpse of Chocolatey in a video on Instagram. The video reads, “Build your own KitKat in Shibuya, Tokyo.”

In the clip, the outlet’s employees first teach you how to make chocolate. After that, you need to choose the type of chocolate for KitKat. The chocolate is then melted and poured into a mold before pouring the wafer into it. One can also sprinkle some toppings on KitKat and give it your personal touch.

Once this is done, the bar is sent to the refrigerator to be given the coveted KitKat shape and texture. The end result is your favorite KitKat with your own touches and twists.

Chocolati is a popular attraction in Shibuya where people learn in groups and make their own KitKats. One can choose from three types of chocolate including bitter, milk and ruby. Plus, according to Japan Insider, there are 17 different types of toppings to choose from, such as dried strawberries, hazelnuts, pistachios and edible flowers.