Excessive consumption of these 4 spices can increase the risk of heat stroke

Summer is here and the temperature is rising with each passing day. Since there is also a heat wave alert, it is important for us to keep ourselves hydrated all the time. It is very important to eat the right food in the right season because it directly affects our body. While we are all aware that one should consume more stomach cooling foods And summer drinks, it is also important to know which spices should not be used in daily cooking as they generate more heat in our body. We have put together a list of spices that you should avoid in summers as they can increase the risk of heat stroke.

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These are the 4 spices that can increase the risk of heat stroke:

1. Black pepper powder

Adding spices enhances the taste of the food. And what can be more effective than black pepper powder to give a spicy taste to your food? Do you know that it is not advisable to consume this nutritious spice in summers? black pepper It should be consumed more in winters as it is a warming spice which can increase the body temperature.

Black pepper is a good source of manganese. photo credit: pixabay

2. Red Chilli Powder

Cayenne is known worldwide for its vibrant red color to spices and dishes. Even though we love to make the most of this spice in cooking, we must keep in mind that it is a heat-increasing spice which can increase the risk of heat stroke in our body. try to avoid red chilli In summer or use them in moderation.

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3. Garlic

There is no doubt that garlic enhances the taste of food. Its earthy scent is so strong that it can make anyone swoon, but be careful when using it in summer! Garlic causes excessive heat and sweating in the body, which increases the chances of heat stroke. Using 1-2 cloves will not cause any harm but excessive consumption can put your health at risk.


Garlic is rich in antioxidants. photo credit: pixabay

4. Ginger

Although ginger has many health benefits, it is not good to consume it in excess in summer. Ginger is a hot spice that can generate heat in your body, causing you to feel uneasiness in the stomach and result in excessive sweating. If you don’t want to cut out completely, consider consuming it in moderation.

Can we reduce body heat with food?

It is indeed true that our food choices have an impact on our body and general health. And for this reason, they should take care of what they are eating. Our body heat can be increased or decreased by food. It is important to know which foods increase heat and which reduce heat. If you want to know about summer friendly spices, Click here,

While all these spices provide immense health benefits, excessive use of them can also be harmful to health.

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