Exclusive: Breast cancer early detection, diagnosis, preventive care and self-exams—here’s what the experts say

Detection and diagnosis of breast cancer: Breast cancer is a specific type of cancer that develops in the breast. It can start in the left or right breast. Although men can also develop breast cancer, breast cancer almost primarily affects women.

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer has a 99% 5-year relative survival rate when detected early and at an isolated stage. Making regular appointments for clinical breast exams, mammograms, and monthly breast self-exams all contribute to early detection. To improve the chances of early detection, additional education on breast self-examination is recommended.

Here we bring to you a detailed article on early detection, self-examination and preventive care in breast cancer with expert advice and inputs from Dr. Alka Dahiya, Associate Consultant, Cancer Care/Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, Breast Cancer Have brought Max Super Specialty Hospital, Shalimar Bagh and Dr. Vidhi Shah, Consultant-Breast Oncosurgery, Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi.

Breast Cancer: Signs and Symptoms

Many signs of breast cancer go undetected without professional testing, but some can be detected with just a little proactive breast health care.

You can easily spot any changes in your breast by conducting a monthly breast self-exam. If you notice anything strange, be sure to consult your health care professional.

1. Change in the way your breast/nipple looks or feels.

Thickening or changes in skin texture in or near the breast or underarm area, or enlarged pores in the skin of the breast.

– Swelling

Unexplained change in breast size or shape

Breast, areola, or nipple skin that becomes scaly, red, or swollen

2. Nipple Discharge

Inform your doctor about any nipple discharge, whether it is clear, bloody or milky. Clear or bloody discharge are the most dangerous.

It is also important to remember that even if it has nothing to do with breast cancer, a woman who is not breastfeeding should consult a doctor if she experiences milky discharge.

Dr Alka Dahiya commented, “In our country, one in eight women is not aware of the existence of breast cancer and often delays taking steps for treatment. Self-breast examination may help in early detection of breast cancer.” and improving survival rates.

Dr. Dahiya further advises, “Self-exam is important for maintaining breast health, but should not replace professional screening procedures such as mammography and USG.”

Breast Cancer: Early Detection and Diagnosis

One of the most important ways to avoid breast cancer mortality is early detection and access to state-of-the-art cancer treatment. Early stage breast cancer that is localized and has not spread is easier to treat effectively. The most reliable way to detect breast cancer early is to have regular screening tests.

Dr. Vidhi Shah suggests that every woman after the age of 45 should start regular checkups and self-examinations for any abnormal lumps, especially painless lumps that could be cancer.

2D/3D mammograms along with clinical breast examination (CBE) and breast self-examination (BSE) help women in early detection of breast cancer if they go for routine screening.

“Women should be aware of how their breasts normally look and feel, and they should consult a health care professional about any changes as soon as possible,” says Dr. Vidhi.

Breast Cancer: How to do breast self-examination for breast cancer at home?

Dr Vidhi Shah says, “Breast self-examination is a process women can use to do a step-by-step examination of their breasts. By regularly feeling and looking at your breasts, you can spot anything abnormal. can be detected.” You can do a breast exam when you are getting dressed for the day or undressing at night, lying in bed in the morning or at bedtime, or taking a shower.

A step-by-step guide to breast self-exam:

Step 1 – Inspection (look): Examine your breasts in the mirror with your hands on your hips.

Take off your shirt and bra and position yourself in front of the mirror. Your arms should be by your side.

Keep an eye out for any changes in the nipple, indentation in the skin, swelling in the breast, or in the shape of the breast.

Next, extend your arms out in front of you, looking for the same objects.

Then, press down firmly on your hips with your hands to contract your chest muscles. See the same change once again. Don’t forget to inspect both breasts.

Step 2- Raise your arms and examine your breasts

Raise your arms up and watch the changes mentioned in step 1 happen.

Step 3: Look for Signs of Breast Fluid

Look in the mirror for any signs of fluid leaking from one or both nipples (this may be watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).

Stage 4: Palpation (feeling): feeling a lump in the breast while lying down

Your breast tissue spreads more evenly when you lie down. So if you have large breasts, this is an excellent asana to feel the changes.
While lying down, place a pillow under your right shoulder. Your right hand should be behind your head.

– Use the same method as in step 2 with your left hand, press down on all areas of breast tissue and under your arm with the pads of your fingers.

– Last but not least, turn the pillow on the opposite side and check the opposite breast and armpit.

Before gently squeezing the nipple to check for discharge, be sure to look under the areola.

Step 5: Feel your breasts for lumps while standing or sitting

Taking off your shirt and bra, feel your left breast with your right hand and then your right breast. Press down on each area of ​​one breast using the pads of your three middle fingers.

– Apply light pressure first, then medium and finally hard. Check your body for any lumps, thickened areas or other changes. You must make sure that you touch each point using a circular pattern.

Then, press the tissue firmly onto the hand. Before gently squeezing the nipple to check for discharge, be sure to look under the areola.

– Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, from side to side – from your collarbone to the top of your belly, and from your armpits to your cleavage.

Follow the same process on the opposite side of your body.

Dr Alka Dahiya advises, “Most irregularities do not indicate breast cancer, so if you notice any, keep calm and consult your health care professional for additional analysis and timely intervention.”

Breast Cancer: Preventive Care

According to The American Cancer Society, breast cancer cannot be completely avoided. However, there are some things you can do to possibly reduce your risk. Being born a female and getting older are two risk variables you have no control over. But, other risk factors are manageable and can reduce your risk.

According to the American Cancer Society, here are some additional steps all women can take to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer:

Stay at a healthy weight.

– physically active.

– Alcohol in moderation.

Genetic counseling and testing.

Medicines to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women at increased risk.

Preventive surgery for women at very high risk of breast cancer.

– close observation.

In conclusion, Dr. Vidhi Shah commented that women should take out a total of 15 minutes in their busy schedule every month for a simple self-examination to detect lumps (benign or malignant) at home. Just as women take care of their families, they should also be able to take care of themselves. It is easier to detect the early onset of cancer when women are comfortable with their bodies and feel comfortable when feeling their bodies to check for any lumps.