Exclusive: Internet Loves The ‘Glazed Donut Skin’ Look Trend, Expert Shares 3 Simple Tips To Get Glowing Skin!

With every new day comes a new skincare trend that takes over the internet and hence the recent glowing donut skin look. This trend takes after its name because it is all about the appearance of smooth glowing skin that resembles a glowing donut. In other words, this trend gives the feeling of a creamy, glossy, lacquer-like finish on the skin. This look can be achieved with a good regular cleaning, eating the right food, applying facial oils and mixing some natural lip balms. Dermatologist and Cosmetologist Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta shares her insights and tips:

a healthy diet is everything

It is a known fact that no amount of skin care products can replace the importance of a balanced diet. It is important to include a mix of foods rich in macro and micronutrients for skin health. Antioxidant-rich foods like avocado, green tea, carrots, eggs, spinach and salmon can help achieve skin goals. Also, adding nuts like almonds to your diet can prove beneficial. Almonds are a source of 15 nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, protein, riboflavin, zinc, etc., and provide many benefits to support skin health. Additionally, almonds contain healthy fats and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) that have been shown to provide anti-aging properties that benefit skin health. Additionally, according to published Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani texts, almonds are good for skin health. And can increase the glow of the skin. Apart from these tips, it is also important to stay hydrated and drink at least 2-3 liters (10-12 glasses) of water every day.

product must be

To achieve the glazed donut skin look, it is imperative to follow an optimal skincare routine. For this it is necessary to mix the right ingredients. It’s clear that the glazed donut is all about adding moisture and a creamy finish to the skin. The essential products in this regard are cleansers, serums, hydrators and all kinds of facial oils. Cleanser is an important product for removing excess oil, makeup and grime from the face. Without fail, one should apply a serum that has hydrating properties and ingredients like vitamins C, E, and hyaluronic acid. Designed to nourish, protect and hydrate one’s skin, face serums are a great next step after cleansing and before moisturizing. The next important product to get fair skin is moisturizing. One must look for a moisturizer that gives instant hydration, making the skin look smooth and supple. Finish off the look with facial oil. Finally, a sunblock, with at least SPF 30, should be reapplied every 2-3 hours for a carefree outdoor stay.

don’t stress

A healthy body and mind balance is essential for achieving a good lifestyle. To ensure glowing skin and a relaxed state of mind, one must take appropriate measures to manage stress. Getting an adequate amount of sleep at least 7-9 hours a day and engaging in activities like yoga and meditation can also dramatically improve one’s mood as well as add that glowing touch to the skin.