Exclusive: Junaid and Nasir were brought to the police in a seriously injured condition following the accident: Sources

Regarding the Junaid-Nasir murder case, the source says, “The alleged cow vigilantes had taken Javed and Nasir to the Haryana Police after beating them up. The alleged cow vigilantes had abducted Javed and Nasir on suspicion of being cow smugglers. Yesterday, the police first dropped taxi driver Rinku Saini. Some important information has come to light in the interrogation of 10 Rinku Saini.

According to sources, Rinku Saini along with his three accomplices had intercepted Junaid and Nasir. Rinku along with her colleagues had beaten up Junaid and Nasir on the suspicion of them being cow smugglers. Junaid and Nasir were badly injured in the beating.

Sources said that the badly injured Junaid and Nasir were taken to the Firozpur Jhirka police station by Rinku Saini. Rinku Saini wanted the Haryana Police to arrest Junaid and Nasir. Seeing the badly injured Junaid and Nasir, the police distributed their hands.

Police asks Rinku to take Junaid and Nasir from there. Rinku then contacted his other colleagues. Meanwhile, Junaid and Nasir, who were seriously injured, died. After this, Rinku Saini and his companions got nervous and started thinking of ways to hide the dead bodies for fear of being caught.

The source said that Rinku Saini took the Bolero car and both the bodies to Bhiwani, 200 km away. They burnt both the dead bodies along with the petrol-related Bolero car on 16th. Focus felt that no one would know anything by taking it 200 km away. But Junaid and Nasir were identified from the number of the vehicle.

According to police sources, Monu Manesar of Bajrang Dal was not involved in the kidnapping, but he was definitely in contact with the abductors. The matter of helping the killers by Monu Manesar is also coming to the fore in the investigation. Several police teams are engaged in searching the rest of the rivers.