Exclusive: “Telling China to take our booster dose”, SII CEO Adar Poonawalla to NDTV

Adar Poonawalla Says Covax Has Given Full Shadow Response Against Omicron And Sub Variants


When the Corona epidemic was wreaking havoc across the world, then the vaccine of Sarm Institute became a big boom for many countries of the world including India. Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII), has now said that they are considering giving Corona Vaccine-Covax and Covishield, in China. The world is still facing the Covid crisis. After the introduction of the vaccine against Corona, it seemed that we would leave this bad phase behind, but Corona is still a cause of concern in China, what is your concern about China, Adar Poonawala told NDTV in a special interview on this question Said, “We want China to cover up this problem as soon as possible. The situation in China at this time is unfortunate. We wish them success in the war against Corona. In every country in the world, everyone Certification is necessary from this position. It would be better for the world as well if China recovers from this position as soon as possible.”

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Regarding India, he said, “We are in a good position. That he should go beyond political discrimination and claims and take the vaccine of western countries and India as a booster vaccine. trying. We have not received the complete response yet. I think they are deciding which way to go. We hope that they will take a decision on this at the earliest. Covavac has been offered from our side (to China) because it has worked well against Omicron and all variants. In the form of Kovishiled, there are two to three excuses for it. For this reason, Covax is a more important vaccine for our citizens as well. Vaccines are less effective for the new strain, so CovaVax is more important.”

He told that it has been approved by the US FTA. Europe has also seen it as a booster. Yesterday DCGI made it unavailable even as a booster dose. You have taken the first and second dose of any vaccine, you can take it. Data has also been presented about the various malaria vaccines of the organization (WHO) and this vaccine has indicated division in more than 77 percent of the cases and they are thinking of launching it in Africa by the end of this year. Besides this, SII, the largest manufacturer of the vaccine in India, is also working on a vaccine for Noida, which is in Phase II-III face of clinical trials. He said that the vaccine given in three doses can be ready in two years.

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